
The Professor's assistantsProfessor Whitey-The only scientist bear in town
Brakan-An Adventurer and reluctant hero
Bene duck & Medi duck-The duck brothers,mechanics and technicians
Storm-A Warrior and a loyal student

Royal Guard 

Captain Benadin-Gate Keeper of Terrius
Pebbles-She is one of Benadin's most loyal knights
Captain Taffi- An ambitious captain of the royal Guard
General Coco- The head of the house of Steward and ruler of Kings keep.
Prince Bongo- An old acquaintance of Whitey and Brakan

The Republic
Lord Greybour of Pillow-
 Pompous Lord of the Rabbiti

Argo- The Hero of Terrius, an old  acquaintance of Whitey and Brakan.
Chief Liberian Barney- Pompous Lord of the Rabbit

The Royal Charter lists the following as supporters of Terrius:

Knights of Terrius:
Captain Benadin of the Royal Guard
Captain Taffi of the Royal Guard
Professor Whitey
Pebbles of the Royal Gaurd

Lords of Beardia:
Lord Greybour of Pillow

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