
Tales of Terrius is a gripping fantasy adventure from a new angle: that of the Teddy Bear. Growing up for me the most treasured toy was the Teddy Bear.  These are perhaps the first thing a child receives. They are both bundles of love and epic action heroes. As we grow older the bear is threatened by newer toys in an ever darkening world with no time for the cute. Tales of Terrius is told through the eyes the bears ignorant of our world as they try and protect their way of life and fend off the nightmares and fears that threaten us all. Set in their 'ancient' Kingdom of Beardia Tales of Terrius features a host of quirky characters who must uncover a mysterious threat and persuade their people to act.  

Tales of Terrius is a project I've had in my head for a long time.  Essentially, the stories written on this blog are a retelling of adventures I made up when I was a child.  In this way nearly every main character has a real counterpart somewhere in the world! Bringing these characters to life brings me great joy! 

Retelling these tales raises many challenges though.  How do I recreate this world?  What is the audience? My emotion is such that I can only really make the audience myself.  What pleases me now is going to be different to the child who thought up these stories, but essentially they remain stories for teens/young adults, although I hope many people can enjoy them! 

In terms of influences, now as I look back I see many similarities to other works yet at the time I wasn't really a great reader.  I suppose children’s television would have been an influence at the time and a general love of adventure stories and epics.  One of the few books I read as a child was the Hobbit.  There are more contemporary inspirations along those lines now days, in the writing style and story as I retell it, but it's all a lovely mix in my mind.

About me?
I've been writing poetry since primary school.  It now serves more as a diary for me than something to share.  I've always loved stories, especially adding to them, although it has only been recently that I've been sharing them with people.  I'm the first to admit I have poor spelling and grammar, I do suffer from dyslexia which makes it hard to spell and spot mistakes at times, but hopefully my lovely proof reader volunteers will help iron them out. I'm currently studying a Masters in Politics at Lancaster University. I think my politics background is reflected in my work, although a surprising amount of the 'politics' element is original to the stories way before I cared for such things! Want to know some personal stuff?  I love Cheese, being alive and making things.  Let’s make some stories!

Questions welcome.

-Jon Martin

My Lovely proof reader volunteers:
Bex Gerrard
Davey Blackstock

A special thanks to you!

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